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February Artist Highlight Hi all. Here are a few artists who are now involved in the Art-o-mat. To see their Art-o-mat® work, click here! Nikki WheelerPoulsbo, WA William HessianMinnetonka, MN Sharon BentonCopenhagen, Denmark Under their picture in “flickr”, you will find links to their websites. Sincerely, AIC

Thanks for your help/support in 2007. HI all: Everyone here at AIC would like to thank you for making 2007 (our 10th anniversary year) a total blast. Between preparing/implementing our swap meet last summer and then launching the Art-o-mat® online store barely under the holiday deadline….well, let’s just say this past year has been a […]

Art-o-mat® Online Store Now Available. HI all: After years of having various items available for purchase during our machine installations and at our host venues, we finally have official Art-o-mat® items for sale online. One item which will premier on this site will be the Art-o-carton™. This is an open ended edition which is specifically […]

Glass work sells for $200! Here at AIC, we always like to share stories about artists who incorporate Art-o-mat® into their overall production and promotion of their work. Chuck Scalin (Richmond, Va.) is very active in his arts community. Eight years ago, he developed and curated a fund raising effort for Artspace Gallery in Richmond. […]

10th Anniversary Swap Meet Polaroids Photographed by Alyssa Salomon and Bill Lupoletti.Assisted by Kim Wolfe and Michael Lease.

Yellow in Amarillo We just got in from installing a machine in the Amarillo Museum of Art. Excitement was at a high. At one point, patrons were waiting in line to purchase Art-o-mat art. By the end of the night, we plowed through almost 200 works! Our machine hosts. Left to right: Anne, Kathy and […]

Art-o-facts Exhibit Opens Friday Opening Reception, Friday August 3rd, 7-9pm (during the Art Hop)Second opening August 18th, 7-9pm (after the Swap Meet) Urban Artware206 West Sixth StWinston-Salem, NC(336) 722-2345 We would love to see you there! Sneak A Peek Here Sincerely, Clark

Elin Waterson’s Blog Elin has posted a pic of pre-packaged Art-o-mat work. They look pretty cool all stacked together. See Elin’s blog here AIC 10th Aniv Events sincerely, clark

Museum Preparator rolled over by crated machine! Actually, John was just messing around. Our machine at The Contemporary Museum installation went very smoothly. Icat Logistics did us well on getting the machine there. John, Brian and Sandit had it uncrated before i could inhale a cup of coffee and 2 malassadas. Yo, Krispy Kreme…Google that […]

Arrived safely in Minneapolis Our newest Art-o-mat® machine has arrived safely at the Chambers Art Hotel in Minneapolis. Since this machine is very pristine, we here at AIC World HQ were concerned a little about potential scratches in transit. But thanks to Vintage Transport, it is on location in mint condition! So, FYI, they are […]