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Lions on Safari is a civic art project in Sacramento, CA, in which over fifty leading artists create works of art using life-size polyurethane lions (males, females, and cubs). The project benefits businesses and nonprofit organizations throughout the Sacramento Valley, CA. Artomat Artist Maja Peeples-Bright was one of the artists involved in this project. Check […]

This Arto-tale comes to you from Debbie Shannon, the Vice President of Education at the The Kentucky Center. “Nine-year-old Miranda (Mimi) Jarfi is a big supporter of the Art*O*Mat machine in The Kentucky Center lobby. Mimi is the daughter of Jeff Jarfi, owner of The Center’s Restaurant, Jarfi’s Bistro. While spending time hanging out with […]

It was great to call on all of our NYC Art-o-mat friends. Thanks to everyone for the warm reception! We heart you. Check out our photos!

Artomat Artist Spotlight: Kristin Yount Kristin Yount‘s artomat pieces are tiny pieces of pottery, just the right size for, say, a piece of sushi to be dipped! She is an employee of the City of Portland. Here Kristin works at a large community studio. She also belongs to a group called the Oregon Potters Association. […]

The Hartwig/Heart House Connection Heart House is a safe house at the Malumghat Mission Hospital in Bangladesh. One function of this group is to provide ladies in the Malumghat area an outlet to earn money for the crafts they produce. Frank & Nancy Hartwig first visited the organization in 1973, and was very impressed how […]

en route! Here is our new San Antonio Art-o-mat. it features the art of Teresa Villegas and will be permanently located at the Southwest School of Art & Craft The machine will premiere on November 13th. please contact Barbara Hill for more information about the opening or becoming an artist in this […]

fun on the lolla This is Marisa Ward, Lollapalooza Production Coordinator, enjoying the Artomat experience in Cleveland! We’ve had such a great experience so far on this tour. Thanks to Marisa, Claudette and all envolved!

New venues for this summer & fall! Lollapalooza 2003 [Various East Coast Gigs-Cleveland, Homdel, Philadelphia, New York, Wash DC] Square Blue Art, INC [Newport Beach, CA] Oceanside Art Center [Oceanside, CA] Project One [Newport, RI] SUNY Cortland [Cortland, NY] EGG Design [Lexington, KY] Sam Flax [Orlando, Fl] ARTEZEN [Bloomington, IL] Gravity Lounge [Charlottesville, VA] Charlotte […]

Styrogami on NPR Jules Vitali, one of our newest artists, was featured on NPR’s Weekend Edition. You can still hear the interview by clicking here. Congrats!